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June 08, 2004

Ponder : Apache killing in Iraq

Seronok kalau main video game PS2 mcm ni. But this is no video game. The Apache gunner might love it, but just imagine if he's at the other end of the barrel. Realiti peperangan...

06 May 2004 (Full Story) Pictures of wounded men being shot censored by TV

The pictures are appalling, the words devastating. As a wounded Iraqi crawls from beneath a burning truck, an American helicopter pilot tells his commander that one of three men has survived his night air attack. "Someone wounded,'' the pilot cries. Then he received the reply: "Hit him, hit the truck and him.'' As the helicopter's gun camera captures the scene on video, the pilot fires a 30mm gun at the wounded man, vaporising him in a second.

Check out the link below:

http://www.indymedia.org.uk/media/2004/01/284087.mpg or http://www.robert-fisk.com/

Originally posted by midgee on


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